Module 1: Course Introduction 4 Videos | 10 minutes
Key Concepts (Blog Post Recap)
Blast Radius and Container Images
Building and Replacing Container Images
Course Outline
Module 2: Deploying Containerized Applications 8 Videos | 20 minutes
Continuous Integration (CI)
Automated "Build Jobs"
Continuous Delivery (CD)
[Tutorial] Accessing Train GRC Labs
[LAB] Using AWS Cloud9 IDE and what is an IDE?
Source Code and version control systems
[LAB] Using Git to Download Source Code
Module 3: Build and Run a Custom Container Image 5 Videos | 12 minutes
Container "builds" and Immutability
Anatomy of a container build file
[LAB] Building your first container image
[LAB] Building a custom container image
[LAB] Installing "trivy" - an open source vulnerability scanner
Module 4: Container Vulnerability Scanning 6 Videos | 15 minutes
Brief History Of Computer "Vulnerabilities"
Analyzing Risk Using Vulnerability Characteristics
Understanding Vulnerabilities vs. "Abuse of Functionality"
[LAB] Using Trivy to Scan Containers for Vulnerabilities
[LAB] Retrieving and Scanning a Vulnerable Container Image
Assessing Production Container Images
Module 5: Conclusion 1 Videos | 3 minutes
Course Recap
Course assessment
Introduction to Container Security
In this course, you will learn about building containers using source code, the CI/CD pipelines that make it possible, and how to scan and assess scan results for container vulnerabilities. I will also teach you the basics of using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Deploy containerized applications.
- Build and run your own container images.
- Scan a container image for vulnerabilities.
- Perform basic analysis of container vulnerability scan results.
Who Should Sign Up:
Cyber Risk Professionals and Students
Field of Study
Information Technology
Required Course Skill Level:
None - "Basic" Course Level.
Registration Requirements:
Advance Preparation:
No advance preparation required.
Delivery Method:
QAS Self Study
Cancellation Policy:
Students will be notified via e-mail upon cancellation or any other change in course delivery method.
Recommended CPE Credits:
2 CPE Credits
AWS Auditing Foundations features hands-on labs that will give you experience with common cloud provider technologies.

Wes Ladd
Founder and Lead Instructor
Wes has experience helping some of the largest and most heavily regulated organizations - including Fortune 500 Banking, Energy, and Healthcare clients.
Wes has served in a variety of capacities from Internal Auditor to Penetration Tester to Cloud Security Architect.
Through these experiences, Wes gained a diverse array of skills and a passion for teaching.
NASBA CPE Accredited Course:

- To ensure the satisfaction of Train GRC course participants, all eligible courses purchased may be refunded within 30 days. For complaints or refund requests, please contact Train GRC at [email protected].
- Train GRC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: